Rui Augusto Perestrelo Vieira
(DVM, PhD) Professor Emeritus of the University School Vasco da Gama of Coimbra, Portugal. Director of the Post-Graduation Course in Alternative and Complementary Medicines in the same Faculty and Head of Homeopathic Group of the Laboratory for Mind-Matter Interaction with Therapeutic Intention (LIMMIT), Faculty of Medicine of Lisbon. Research Interests psychology and psycho physiology of altered states of consciousness, ethnomedicine, human exceptional experiences and psychology and spirituality. Congress speaker in Epidemiology about multifactorial diseases. Studies on zoonosis and vectorial diseases. Member of the ISAH, CTMVI, the EMEA and MIRROR GROUP. Publication of 23 books about diseases in pigs and several awards (5 PFIZER awards), Professor in several homeopathic courses and publications about clinical cases using homeopathic approach in cats and pigs, Integrative Medicine. |