In 2017, twenty-six communications/talks were presented.
- Hipólito, I., Martins, J. E. (2017). Phenomenology and molecular biology: a second-person model to anomalous experience. Philosophy and Schizophrenia Workshop 2017, FCSH NOVA University of Lisbon, Portugal, January
- Martins, J (2017). Multiomics solutions to early Autism Spectrum Disorder stratification (NCCR Proposal). Synapsy-The Synaptic Bases of Mental Diseases annual meeting, Switzerland, March
- Saavedra Silva, M., Sousa, S., Silva, A., Martins, J. E., Esteves, E., Fernandes, M., Rosa, N., Correia, M.J., Barros, M. (2017). Salivary protein profile as a tool for patient stratification in peri-implantitis. ITI World Symposium, Basel, Switzerland, May. doi:10.13140/RG.2.2.17174.34883
- Hipólito, I. (2017). Schizophrenia and Common Sense: Explaining the relation between madness and social values. Hípolito, I., Gonçalves, J., & Pereira, J. (Eds.), Springer. Philosophy and Schizophrenia Workshop 2017, Lisbon Mind & Reasoning Group, FCSH NOVA University of Lisbon, Portugal, January
- Cruz, I., Esteves, E., Fernandes, M., Martins, J. E., Silva, M., Sousa, S., Rosa, N., Correia, M.J., Arrais, J.P., Barros, M. (2017). Bringing Saliva into Research – SalivaPrint, Algorithms and Personalized Medicine. Science 2017: Science and Technology Foundation, Portugal, July
- Correia, M.J., Martins, J. E., Esteves, E., Fernandes, M., Cruz, I., Rosa, N., Barros, M. (2017). Bringing Saliva into Research – Molecular Typing of Individuals. Science 2017: Science and Technology Foundation, Portugal, July
- Simões, M., Abrantes, L. (2017). “Hipnose e Epilepsia – estudo de caso”. IV Jornadas Internacionais de Hipnose Clínica e Hipnoanálise. Porto (14-15.10.2017)
- Lacerda, A. (2017). “Hipnose e sugestões em medicina.” . IV Jornadas Internacionais de Hipnose Clínica e Hipnoanálise. Porto (14-15.10.2017)
- Marto , J. (2017). “ O síndroma da intestino irritável e hipnose”. IV Jornadas Internacionais de Hipnose Clínica e Hipnoanálise. Porto (14-15.10.2017)
- Simões, M. (2017). “A realidade última - entre imaginação e realidade”. Congresso Re-visões de Fátima. Universidade Fernando Pessoa, Porto (20-21.10.2017)
- Simões, M., Palma, J. (2017). “Ayahuasca’s therapeutic potential in drug addiction”. Lisbon Addictions – second conference on addictive behaviours and dependences. Lisboa (24-26.10.2017)
- Machado, S., Santos L. (2017). “Ayahuasca uncertain legal status. Lisbon Addictions – second conference on addictive behaviours and dependences. Lisboa (24-26.10.2017)
- Simões, M. (2017). “Potencial da Hipnose Clínica na Expansão da Consciência”. I Jornada Internacional de Hipnose da Associação Brasileira de Hipnose, S. Paulo, Brasil (15-17.11.2017)