Between 2014 and 2015 (years of installation of LIMMIT) forty-nine communications/talks were presented, which reflect theoretical aspects under consciousness studies and the preliminary investigation of pilot employment studies at LIMMIT.
- Simões M, Martins JE (2014). “Consciousness Challenges - Clinical Research Unit for the study of the effect of a patient’s mind on the matter of disease.” Neurophilosophy, Self and Brain (Cognitive foundations of the self), FCSH NOVA University of Lisbon, Portugal, (17-18, February)
- Simões, M. (2014). “Milagres e Medicina”. Milagres. Universidade Fernando Pessoa. Porto, 30.04.2014
- Simões, M. (2014). “Hypnosis and Infertility”. 13th Congress of European Society of contraception and reproductive health. Lisbon, 28-31.05.2014
- Simões, M., Martins, J. E. (2014). Studies on the Mind-Brain relationships: setting a Laboratory. International Pre-Congress of Transpersonal Studies, Brazil, May.
- Re, T. & Martins, J. E. (2014). Analysis of the Material and Immaterial Elements in the Healing Places: The Case of Mayantuyacu in Peruvian Amazon Forest. Aya 2014 – World Ayahuasca Conference, Ibiza, Spain, Sept.
- Martins, J. E., Re, T. (2014). Healing Sites and Teaching Plants in the Amazon Forest: Ashaninka Indigenous Community. In Still Point – Turning World (Values in HealthCare), Oxford, England, Oct.
- Abrantes L (2014). “Controlo da Dor por Hipnose”. 1º Congresso Perioperatório do Centro Hospitalar Barreiro Montijo,EPE. Abril
- Abrantes L (2014). “Estratégias não farmacológicas no Cuidado Pessoa com Dor Crónica”. Encontro de Enfermagem Médico-Cirúrgica, na Escola Superior de Saúde do Instituto Politécnico de Setúbal. Julho
- Maia P (2014). “Da Mediunidade e da mística - O Experienciar a ligação ao Divino ou a outros Planos/Dimensões, como meio de Autoconhecimento e Desenvolvimento Espiritual”. I Congresso Lusófono de Ciência das Religiões Simpósio Temático: Práticas e Processos de Autoconhecimento. Univ Lusófona. Junho
- Abrantes L (2014). “A Dor numa Abordagem de Hipnoterapia”. 1ªs Jornadas de Enfermagem de Ortopedia do Hospital de Braga. Out
- Abrantes L (2014). “Dor abordagem não farmacológica Hipnose”. Curso de Formação Continua - Enfermeiros e a Dor”. Centro Hospitalar de Setúbal. Set
- Abrantes L (2015). “Hipnoterapia na Gestão e Controlo da Dor”. Seminário de terapias Integrativas, na Universidade Atlântica/Escola Superior de Saúde Atlântica. Jan
- Moreira D (2015). "Parto Feliz: Hipnose Clínica na Gravidez, na Preparação e Durante o Parto – Hipnoparto". Departamento da Mulher e da Criança (Serviços de Ginecologia e Obstetrícia e Neonatologia) e Departamento de Psiquiatria e Saúde Mental da ULSAM. Unidade Local de Saúde do Alto Minho, E.P.E., Jan
- Abrantes L (2015). “Dor e Hipnose em Obstetrícia”. VII colóquio de Enfermagem de S.M.O. do Centro Hospitalar de Leiria. Mar
- Moreira D (2015). “Similia Similibus Curantur: uma visão geral da investigação científica em Homeopatia”. (Baseado na Tese de Mestrado Integrado em Medicina). 32º Encontro Nacional da Associação Portuguesa de Medicina Geral e Familiar, Lisboa, Mar
- Abrantes L (2015). “Hipnose na Dor como Técnica Alternativa”. 1º Simpósio de Dor da Escola Superior de Enfermagem de Santa Maria. Porto. Abr
- Re T, Ventura C, Vitiello V, Pentikäinen J, Simões M, Martins JE (2015). “Transcultural Perspective on Consciousness: a bridge between Anthropology, Medicine and Physics.” Toward a Science of Consciousness, Finland, Helsinki, 9-13, June.
- Collaboration with convener and discussant
- Information:
- Simões M, Martins JE (2015). “Inside-Out Connectedness: Happiness Trance Coherence in a Multimodal Neurofeedback”. Toward a Science of Consciousness, Finland, Helsinki, June.
- Information:
- Re T & Martins JE (2015). “Analysis of the material and immaterial elements in the healing places”. Toward a Science of Consciousness, Finland, Helsinki, June.
- Collaboration
- Information:
- Download Video of Presentation:
- Martins JE (2015). “Inside-Out Connectedness: Happiness Trance Coherence in a Multimodal Neurofeedback” in Integrative Medicine, Mindfulness, Hypnosis and EMDR new frontiers for treatments. 14th European Congress of Psychology, Italy, Milano, July.
- Information:
- Re T, Simões M, Martins JE, La Bella M, Gianotti L, Pirro PS, Bonapace I, Gaia MG, Garombo MF, Contarino A, Rosso C (2015). “Integrative Medicine, Mindfulness, Hypnosis and EMDR new frontiers for treatments”. 14th European Congress of Psychology, Italy, Milano, July.
- Information:
- Download Video of Presentation:
- Re T, Martins JE et al. (2015). “Art Therapy for Psychological and Complexity Training.” 14 th European Congress of Psychology, Italy, Milano, July.
- Collaboration with convener and discussant
- Information:
- Download Video of Presentation:
- Ventura A (2015): “Intention and brain to Brain Communication with non-Invasive Techniques”. The Parapsychological Association Convention and SPR Annual Convention, Greenwich, July,
- Re T & Martins JE (2015). “Transcultural Perspective on Consciousness: a bridge between Anthropology, Medicine and Physics”. The Foundations of Mind II Conference, USA, California, Aug. (Video)
- Collaboration with convener and discussant
- Download Video of Presentation:
- Martins JE, Oliveira M, Mendes VM, Marujo HA, Neto LM, Ribeiro JA, Rosa N, Correia MJ, Barros M, Manadas B, Simões M (2015).”Love and Humanity: The Pursuit of Happiness (State and Trait of Consciousness Saliva’s Molecular Biomarkers)”. Positive Psychology Congress. Positive Communities and Relational Goods: co-construction of Public Happiness, Portugal, Lisbon, Sept.
- Simões M (2015): “The use of Hypnosis pursuing the the molecule of Happiness”. II International Congress of Health, Portugal, Gaia, 19 Nov. (Convener)
- Martins JE (2015): “Usando a BCI e o Reforço em “imersão” multimodal”. II International Congress of Health, Portugal, Gaia, Nov.
- Ferreira H, Rodrigues F (2015) : A Transferência da Felicidade de Cérebro para Cérebro. II International Congress of Health, Portugal, Gaia, Nov.
- Rosa N, Barros M (2015).” A procura da “molécula” da Felicidade”. International Congress of Health, Portugal, Gaia, Nov.
- Simões, M., Martins, J. E. (2015). Inside-Out Connectedness: Happiness Trance Coherence in a Multimodal Neurofeedback. In Transcultural Perspective on Consciousness: a bridge between Anthropology, Medicine and Physics. Toward a Science of Consciousness, Finland, Helsinki, June
- Re, T., Martins, J. E. (2015). Analysis of the material and immaterial elements in the healing places. In Transcultural Perspective on Consciousness: a bridge between Anthropology, Medicine and Physics. Toward a Science of Consciousness, Finland, Helsinki, June.
- Martins, J. E., Oliveira, M., Mendes, V.M., Marujo, H.A., Neto, L.M., Ribeiro, J.A., Rosa, N., Correia, M.J., Barros, M., Manadas, B., Simões, M. (2015). Positive Life Trajectory: Integrating Positive Psychology. World Congress on Positive Psychology, USA, Florida, June.
- Martins, J. E. (2015). Inside-Out Connectedness: Happiness Trance Coherence in a Multimodal Neurofeedback. European Congress of Psychology, Italy, Milano, July.
- Re, T., Simões, M., Martins, J. E., La Bella, M., Gianotti, L., Pirro, P.S., Bonapace, I., Gaia, M.G., Garombo, M.F., Contarino, A., Rosso, C. (2015). Integrative Medicine, PNEI and Mindfulness: new frontiers for treatments. European Congress of Psychology, Italy, Milano, July.
- Re, T., Martins, J. E. et al. (2015). Art Therapy for Psychological and Complexity Training. European Congress of Psychology, Italy, Milano, July. (collaboration with convener)
- Re, T., Martins, J. E. (2015). Transcultural Perspective on Consciousness: a bridge between Anthropology, Medicine and Physics. The Foundations of Mind II Conference, USA, California, Aug.
- Marques, J., Vital, O., Andrade, R., Moreira, D.N., Patrício, F., Simões, M., Martins, J. E., Vieira, R.P., Malho, M.I. (2015). Treatment of Malaria in the endemic south part of Mozambique. LMHI Congress, Brazil, Rio de Janeiro, Aug.
- Simões, M. (2015). The transpersonal research for the happiness molecule. The Flowering of Consciousness, IX ALUBRAT International Congress, Salvador, Bahia, Brazil, Sept.
- Martins, J. E., Oliveira, M., Mendes, V.M., Marujo, H.A., Neto, L.M., Ribeiro, J.A., Rosa, N., Correia, M.J., Barros, M., Manadas, B., Simões, M. (2015). State and Trait of Consciousness Saliva’s Molecular Biomarkers. II Positive Psychology Congress. Positive Communities and Relational Goods: co-construction of Public Happiness, ISCSP University of Lisbon, Portugal, Lisbon, Sept.
- Martins, J. E., Oliveira, M., Mendes, V.M., Marujo, H.A., Neto, L.M., Ribeiro, J.A., Rosa, N., Correia, M.J., Barros, M., Manadas, B., Simões, M. (2015). Love and Humanity: The Centre For Consciousness Knowledge. II Positive Psychology Congress. Positive Communities and Relational Goods: co-construction of Public Happiness, ISCSP University of Lisbon, Portugal, Lisbon, Sept.
- Simões, M. (2015). Research on the molecular response of happiness. II International Journeys of Clinical Hypnosis, Portugal, Porto, Oct.
- Martins, J. E. (2015). The Centre for Consciousness Knowledge: Neurofeedback Immersive States. II International Journeys of Clinical Hypnosis. Portugal, Porto, Oct.
- Simões, M. (2015). Research on the happiness molecular response. Transpersonal Psychology in Motion, European Transpersonal Psychology Association Conference, Portugal, Lisbon, Oct.
- Simões, M., Oliveira, M., Martins, J. E. (2015). Meaning assignment in Transpersonal Psychology. Transpersonal Psychology in Motion, European Transpersonal Psychology Association Conference, Portugal, Lisbon, Oct.
- Martins, J. E. (2015). Saliva’s Molecular Biomarkers (Clinical Research). Transpersonal Psychology in Motion, European Transpersonal Psychology Association Conference, Portugal, Lisbon, Oct.
- Martins, J. E., Ferreira, H., Simões, M., Barros, M., Manadas, B. (2015). The pursuit of Happiness. II International Congress of Health, Portugal, Porto, Nov. (convener of the opening satellite symposium)
- Martins, J. E. (2015). Using BCI and the reinforcement in immersive multimodal environments. II International Congress of Health, Portugal, Porto, Nov.
- Simões, M., Rosa, N., Correia, M.J., Barros, M., Martins, J. E. (2015). Research in saliva molecular biomarkers. V Experimental Pathology Congress. EUVG University of Coimbra, Portugal, Dez
- Martins, J. E., Simões, M., Carvalho, L.X., Carvalho, E.N., M., Tavares, V., Ferreira, H. (2015). Use of BCI in multimodal brain stimulation. V Experimental Pathology Congress. EUVG University of Coimbra, Portugal, Dez